Celebrating 4 years of weekly & private events!

Ultros' Goblet (Ward 8, P49)
Sun: 10AM-12:30PM ET
Lodging & catering 24/7


Luxury Bed & Breakfast — Private rooms available for rent!Complete your romantic night out -- or host a private meeting at our Bed & Breakfast, complete with room service!Room rentals are per night, and can also be booked after hours or in advance with your order in the dining room.

Catering — Personalized events to celebrate any occasion!Like a mirage, we can make your dream event appear before your very eyes!

Farmer's Market — Outdoor shopping: Homemade, locally grown.Available outdoor 24/7, The Oasis sells goods crafted by local artisans, sourced from materials in Thanalan.Specializing in discounted, high quality housing items and organic Chocobo Feed, the market is replenished each week.

Private Room Directory

Room #4 (80,000 gil)
Designer: Noel Desjardins
A quaint and quiet personal room inspired by a certain spectral city, this one of a kind suite boasts a stocked bar and kitchenette perfect for longer-term stays. Featuring a luxurious King-sized bed, this room is perfect for one or two guests to relax and further unwind after long days in paradise.

Room #15 (80,000 gil)
Designer: Fumino Kusakari
Step through the illusion and retreat into the Mirage Suite! This little pocket of Oasis is host to two cozy beds, a quiet lounge, and a private washroom; everything you need to refresh your wanderer's heart. They say "seeing is believing", so come see the Mirage Suite today!

Room #16 (80,000 gil)
Designer: Lyssa Von
For a more intimate retreat, or the perfect way to keep your party coasting along: this high class suite features a private dancing booth stocked with complimentary drinks, a double sized bed and blankets spread before an open fire place.

Private Events! Catering!

Looking for a more immersive experience? Perhaps a detour before a night at the clubs?The Oasis resort is available for rent staffed or unstaffed, completely budget friendly -- and flexible hours ensure we are open to ring in the joy on your big day.Examples include complete venue redesigns, a personal menu, formal toasts for the guests of honor and more.Two hour events are typically only 5mil! Your event is unique to you, so forget the static, confusing menus-- we'll share the excitement in planning your big day personally.Can't afford it? Chances are, we want to host it anyway!


Featuring the same light and airy atmosphere, we love to engage with eachother on our community discord!Read the ongoing story, chat with our patrons, and stay up to date on upcoming special events which may take place outside of our regular hours.We also welcome content creators and fellow venue owners/event organizers to share their work!


Heidi Bellveil.

The daughter to a pair of earnest and jovial stone masons, Heidi moved into Ul'dah with her family at a young age after they'd gained notoriety with handmade trinkets minted from jewel's found in the Sagoli desert, south of Little Ala Mhigo.As the hub for all things trade, Heidi met and was inspired by the intrepid adventurers that came to and from the heart of the city. With a desire to be self-made as her parents were before her, Heidi boarded an air ship leaving Thanalan to see the world.Following break-out success as an entertainer, she returned with the connections and know-how to give back to the people of Ul'dah and founded Cafe Oasis, which has since bloomed into the resort. And so, the next chapter of her story begins..

Shimo Naeuri.

From the depths of the Ruby Sea, Shimo found her way to Eorzea in the hopes of finding a way to provide for her family. As the oldest of six, she felt it was her job to help her parents when they were struck with a financial crisis. That, and her desire to see what the world was like outside of the sea, drove her to leave home.She traveled for a while as an adventurer, taking on work healing those who needed it. When adventuring proved to be less substantial than she thought, Shimo took on other odd jobs: watching children, making deliveries, and even gutting fish until she found a consistent place in Cafe Oasis.Even as the oldest sibling, Shimo can still be a bit childish. She favors sweets, and loves small and cute animals. She keeps a few small sea creatures with her as friends, even going as far as to try to train them to help her with things. It’s only gone so-so… Still, her adventures aren’t finished, so the helping hands are worth it, when they show!

Alleisha Lightblade.

Awaking one morning alone at a room in the Quicksand, "Alleisha" had no recollection of her past, and scarcely anything in the way of worldly possessions.A panic attack ensues, and it was the resident innkeep, Momodi, who assuaged her: offering her the name with which she was registered and a means to begin earning coin working about the inn.Oblivious to the cutthroat nature prominent in the seedier side of the city's merchant culture, it wasn't long before Alleisha accrued debts from attempts to buy insight into her past from silver tongued 'information brokers.'Unable to provide for herself, and fearing for her safety, Alleisha fled the city to start anew -- building skill in trade and as a server.It was then that she met Heidi, and the two formed a bond as coworkers. After sharing her story, Alleisha is invited to work at the Cafe -- which she accepts, after learning that no soul is left to go hungry.Perhaps now, closer to the city, new opportunities to uncover her past will present themselves.

Lyssa Von.

Lyssa is a cold (or so she would have you believe) and sassy Hyur born to a humble family in the city of Limsa Lominsa, who often struggled to make ends meet. As a green adventurer with little in the way of expertise, she was quick to deduce the city's abundance of pick-pockets, and her natural tendency to explore the less traveled corners of La Noscea lead her to cast her lot with the Rogue's guild.That same inexperience gives way to the odd botched attempt, which inevitably puts her at odds with her family and local guardsmen. Seeking an opportunity to reset her situation, she uses the last of her coin to purchase a ticket to the promised 'capital of trade and opportunity' in Ul'dah...Unfortunately, in a city known for its fierce and unforgiving competition, it doesn't take long for Lyssa to fall in with a new group of bandits. On one such attempt to lift a certain Southern Belle's coinpurse, she is outraged to find the wary city-goer was toting a worthless decoy: a pouch of sand.Bereft of fashion and patience both, at her wits end, Lyssa wastes no time in tracking Heidi back to Oasis and practically erupts with her frustrations.Keenly aware of people in her situation all about the city, Heidi hears Lyssa's plight, and offers her a job in a show of compassion. As the newest addition to the team, how will she adjust?

Yeyejogo Susujugo.

Growing up orphaned in absolute poverty on the streets of Ul'dah, Yeye and his seven siblings chose to swim rather than to sink. They all earned for the family however they could; some blessed with lithe and supple bodies, others with natural muscle mass and an intimidating physique. Yeye himself could claim no such tangible gifts, but what he did posses was a silver tongue and the tenacity to pick himself back up over and over no matter how many times his pervasive charm got him beaten into the ground trying to part others with their coppers.As his confidence grew so too did the stakes and it was inevitable that eventually he'd go a bridge too far. He was used to failure, sure, but this time his family had been caught up in the collateral damage. All but forbidden from returning to the city of his birth he pawned the single heirloom left by their mother, a bejeweled necklace, and struck out across Aldenard in hopes of plying his trade elsewhere and sending gil back home to those he'd wronged.On his travels he happened across the Oasis Resort, thinking the place an easy way to "earn a day's wages". An altercation with the owner proved quite the contrary. With piqued curiosity he became a regular patron of the café, feeling more at home with each visit. It was here that he first brought up the idea of monetizing his talents through more legitimate methods, proposing in jest that he might become a lawyer. Met with surprising support and encouragement from those around him, Yeye began to study and truly focus (while still cutting a few corners here and there).

Mint Sprig.

Forced to leave her home in the Othardian wilderness due to tragedy as a youth, Mint found herself an immigrant to Eorzea. Armed with her child-like innocence and naivety, she proves no match for the byways of Limsa Lominsa. Her eventual savior comes in the form of an elderly scholar. Through his tutelage, she was introduced to the world of academia and acclimating to polite society. While grateful, she fears losing connection to nature. A severed link to her people and homeland.Years go by and her newfound father figure passes. Now a fully grown adult, Mint finds herself once against lost in the world without connections and family. More equipped to handle the unknown with an affinity for tea and willingness to crack a joke, she throws herself into the idea of becoming a socialite. Constantly searching for new connections, new family: a place to finally belong.Through various friends and adventures this brings Mint to the welcoming doorstep of the Oasis. Tentative and slow-going at first, she begins to develop a bond with its eccentric proprietor: Heidi Bellveil.As the friendship and fondness for the location grow, that yearning for a family and a place to finally put down meaningful roots slowly comes to fruition. Who knows what the future may hold, but for now: Mint endeavors to share her wide-eyed optimism and hope with any patrons that cross her path

Venue Photos - Seeing is believing

Free Company — in partnership with the Quicksand & Immortal Flames

The <<Oasis>> is sponsoring intrepid adventurers, providing easy access to personable accommodations and a bevvy of exclusive perks.Four years of weekly events, and an active community with our local FC and community discord to meet friends across Primal!Join us for Dawntrail, we've got two months+ of Tier 3 exp!• Priority in our RP events: All FC members can do paid volunteering at our venue! Get your feet wet with event based RP, where we make your OC the star: and make lots of friends!• Free/reimbursed chambers: We will pay for or reimburse your private chambers after 30 days of membership. If you build a room for use in our Bed & Breakfast events, we’ll fund part of the construction!• Free raid food: Food will be provided to members who are tackling extreme and savage content, conveniently accessed in the company chest. With tenure, we'll even make your gear for the raid tier!• Support for beginners/mid level players: Skip queues, or get help with Tanks/healing and crafting!Attend treasure map nights, extreme trials and other activities in and out of the game in a no stress environment. We have members who don't RP!Interested? Contact us to schedule a tour of our resort.